+ 31 33 469 1037

Frequently Asked Questions

Accounts with MAP violations will be placed in “Non-Compliance” status in our system and a "Stop Ship" order will be placed on the account; the “Non-Compliance” and “Stop Ship” designations will be removed after the MAP violation is corrected. You must notify DeckWise® of the correction at MAP@DeckWise.com. You will not be able to place new orders under “Non-Compliance” status. Orders where an "Acknowledgment Of Receipt" was sent by DeckWise® will continue to ship, however no new Acknowledgments will be sent on accounts with a "Stop Ship" status.
A 14 day "Stop Ship" period will begin. As soon as all violations are corrected and DeckWise® is notified of the correction, the "Stop Ship" will be removed after the 14 days. Multiple infractions will result in a reset of the 14 day "Stop Ship".
As an authorized distributor, it is expected that anyone selling our products will also conform to the DeckWise® MAP policy. These occurrences will be treated the same as a normal Dealer MAP violation and all the same terms apply.
DeckWise® reserves its right to take additional actions up to and including termination of our relationship with your company.
DeckWise® does not allow advertising any MAP covered product below MAP price under any circumstance.
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